Project Animate yourself! realized by Studio DOM with partner organizations Film and creative studio VANIMA and Children’s Cultural Center Novi Sad

Main motives of the project

Animation was once a privilege of a handful of young people who lived in cities where a school or a studio of animated films had already existed. Today, animation has become available to everyone who owns a mobile phone, desire and patience to use it in their creations. In order to create their film, mastering an array of interesting and creative skills such as: writing the screenplay, making the plan of recording, character and background design and their animation, sound engineering and editing is required, and submitting their works to animated film festivals. If the movie is accepted into the final selection, visiting the festival and through workshops held by experts and examples of good movies, honing their skills and making even better animated films. All of the aforementioned skills have to be applied in the context of modern technology. In this way, mobile phones will become a tool for creative work, and the virtual environment will become a space in which true little works of art are made.

In the scope of the project Animate Yourself! we want to encourage a wide application of animation in children and youth creativity. The results of the project are intended for to the youth and everybody who wants to encourage them to apply this form of art in their creative endeavors.

Results of the Project:

Methodology of applied animation in youth work

– A guide on applying animation in youth work

– Animation crash-course through short videos

Who can participate in the project?

Everyone who wishes to apply the amazing possibilities offered by animation in their work with the youth, and help them introduce creativity in the virtual space in which they spend so much of their time. Teach them to transform their mobile phone into a tool of art, whether you are a youth worker, teacher/professor or a parent.

Aims and goals of the project:

  1. Determining the methodology for education in a digital environment, with the goal of adopting skills and knowledge of making animated films through informal learning;
  2. Creation of an animation crash-course for beginners adapted to children and youth coming from sensitive groups;
  3. Creation of education materials for independent work and adaptation of the material for children and youth from sensitive groups, according to the determined methodology;
  4. Connecting the youth, representatives of 3 partnered and 11 associated organizations from Serbia and Croatia for cooperative work on the project (65 members). Among them are 2 organizations for youth with development disabilities, 1 organization for children without parents or guardians, and 3 organizations with children from rural areas;
  5. Empowering the youth, participants of the project through: – encouragement to apply and share acquired skills with others within their organization, creating animated films with themes that are relevant to them, to think of European causes for youth and to continue to apply inclusive work methods in their organizations; – familiarizing with further education possibilities and participation offered by the program Erasmus+; -further development of the most advanced participants in the professional studio Furuna;
  6. Increasing the capacities of 50 youth workers through education in possibilities for applications of animation in youth work, including those with less opportunities, in how to use digital technologies for creative development, entrepreneurship and competence of the 21st Tool documentation and training;
  7. Creation of guides for youth workers about the application of animation in youth work.
  8. Holding 2 lectures in Serbia and Croatia and two webinars, one opening the project and the second one at the end.
  9. Popularization of applying animation in youth organization work, school lectures and during free time, contributing towards the exploitation of potentials of digital technology and its application in 21stcentury (creativity, critical thinking, communication, cooperation), development of entrepreneurship competence, connection and engagement of the youth.

Where can animation be used?

– Youth organizations of most diverse profiles, because it encourages cooperation within a group, connecting the youth and engaging them. Using animated films, they can express their thoughts, emotions and ideas, shaping and directing messages around which they have rallied to the public in an effective way.

– In formal education, through creating films, the youth can explore any topic and analyze it in different aspects, and then shape their conclusions using group work into an animated film. It is a great method for establishing interdisciplinary correlations, connecting language classes, arts, music, IT with any other subject.

– During free time. Animated movies can be made in any conditions, and animation is dynamic, challenging and attractive enough to engross the youth during their free time.

How to participate?

Encourage the youth to make their first animated film independently. Direct them to follow the publications of education material once a month on the website and Instagram page of the project, starting in September of 2023, to accomplish given tasks, make their film and send them to festivals “MMFest” and “VAFI”.

For youth and educational workers who want to get better acquainted with the possibilities offered by animation, 2 lectures will be held (in Varaždin, Croatia, and Sremski Karlovci, Serbia), as well as 2 webinars for those tuning in from distant regions. Send an application for participation to the E-mail address

Guide and methodology will be available on the project’s website, where you can follow information about all activities. Information can also be found on the Facebook page of the project Animate Yourself!, through which you can inquire about the topic of animation application in youth work with our experts.

Young people can also participate independently and create their animated film on their own. Follow the instructions on the project’s Instagram page.